6 hours ago

various assorted doodles

posted this on twitter too


come and check it out.



Next up

legit the first thing i saw when i opened reddit a few minutes ago.

huh, if there just so happens to be an empty composer slot, then maybe i should join the dev team... maybe this, will be my calling, my attempt to rise again in the fnf landscape.... hm...


A new challenger is coming not only to KitOdin's Basics, but also Baldi's Basics TIMES!

appearing in a big plus mod outside of smp is a monumental achivement, to the point where i have to put it in news.


man i sure do love messing with a tweet generator.

alright alright alright, hear me out(and not in the way that you think, get your mind outta da gutter. alrigth, so what if, there was a dee4 animted series, based off of these 4 shows combined. how would you feel about that?

A new fella enters the sugaku roster this august.

Progress has been speeding up with motiviation, the desire to push through and release the long-awaited update has grown larger.
