10 days ago

Various fun MMNNPIDAH behind the scenes facts:

(le article)

The title: Magical Ms.Neppatarre's Natural Progressions in Dissonance and Harmony was originally MUSICAL Ms.Neppatarre's Natural Progressions in Dissonance and Harmony, but I decided to go with her being a baker, not a musician.

(also, the full title is Magical Ms.Neppatarre's Natural Progressions in Dissonance and Harmony: The Magic is Love and Chocolate.

Binuax was based off a terrible drawing I did of Darth Vader from memory. (RIP James Earl Jones)

Cyngal was going to be spelled Syngal, but I think Cyngal looks better.

The Hamster's last name, Souioliette, is a portmanteau of "Swoon" and "Oubliette" because befriending you is her own special trap.

The only character to fall under the trans umbrella (so far) is Cyngal. Ms.N is NOT a self insert and is cisgender. (I mean her name IS FranCISca)

Jumpy is taken from a school scratch account I made last year. She was pretty much the same. Her name comes from Jumpy Squirrel from Curious George (my fav show)

The reason Billy Nut Joe doesn't like Ms.N is because he's jealous she's more popular. (In canon and real life)

It took a shockingly long time for Ms.N's little fangs to become a permanent detail on her character. (Look at ANY earlier comics)

GameJolt says I've had this account for 9 months, but only REALLY started in june, wanting to post a few comics for pride month.

The comic where Cyngal talks about punctuation and eating babies originally had them actually eat a baby. (But that's too f***ed up even for me)

The first swear word in the series was "DAMN"

Konskk is from a DnD style game I played with my friends in elementary school. Originally named Reign of Konskk and is inspired by Orphan of Kos from Bloodborne. I'm glad he's now a nice dude!

Pudding was originally going to be named Poutieen. What was I thinking?



Next up

More political jokes, kinda?

Cyngal goes to Hell EPILOGUE

Like taking candy from a-

Cyngal goes to Hell (FULL STORY)

Cyngal goes to Hell (Part 8)

Going off to school now, Don't burn the place down!



Cyngal goes to Hell (Part 4)

Cyngal goes to Hell (Part 1)

Aw shucks, I forgot I joined Gamejolt to work on my game!

Since I have no ideas for MMNNPIDAH I might as well get some work done.