6 days ago


Feeling stressed (read in article)

I just feel stressed over a fight in internet,its been 4 months when this has been started,i don't wanna mention what this thing has done to my old friends,that really make me feel nothing to remenber this happend.

and also my family doesn't understand to me over my mental issues,indeed they always don't care about my feelings nada they don't listen, its hard to make your family understand to you.

Thanks for reading.



Next up

(sigh) please don't hate on me for making this....but this is for Fnatas shippers bth

Happy 33th anniversary to Sonic

Here is mallie cosplays Sonic lmao

Soft contray Neila (Natalie)

(I about to make some soft contray colors of characters from Fnatas)

Plastic jaiden!

"i know its okay to have a relationShip with a woman,but this really make me out of control..."

Moss circle,coso and Mallie

Crossover time tho

Two nights at Mallie's 3 menu

Soft Contrary Neila

Glitter Jena lmao

Drawings again

1- advanced coso (look cringe ig)

2- mini Classic jena (little pink haired girl)