11 months ago

:Vent warning:

Why Sink [The Fnf Song] Reminds And Relates to me.


Sink, a great song. however. every time i listen to it it reminds me of the suffering i had to go through to get where i am now.

Underwater: The Theme of the underwater section of this reminds me i was drowned in work and art i couldn't finish, worried i would let people down i cut hours of my sleep to finish stuff. and i haven't been able to get that back without going through the same stuff.

The chain to his leg: The little chain ball to sinks leg reminds me of the chain i was strapped to endlessly with no going back. just another loop of hatred and sadness. endlessly running round, trying to break free, struggling to keep it together. breaking things to make it easier for me to be free
Toxicity doesn't help, especially when you lose people close to you. if you lose more you slowly decend into a dark world. unknown on when you're gonna be free from it.

The pauses and sad parts in the song; when sink sings the green hill rhythm after a medium lengthed pause, it reminds me of how it's never too late to give up, yet you can't no matter how hard you try.
Giving up only brings more darkness.
the only friends there to help you don't exist.
they are in your head.
They can't help with what you're dealing with


I can't really explain this song any further for anyone to understand what i'm going through. and i should just be like i always am. quiet and unwanted. always waiting.
submerged in pain and suffering.



Next up



Floral Snake [redesign]

Rocky - A Fighting based monster

[he had a really old design but now it's a new one, sorta similar to og concept]

a little lazy i am :3 [concept for victor's character design]

all animations i've made as tests.

It hurts me that people still think gamejolt and moderators can read your dms and group chats..

i'm so sorry for all you silly billies..


I'LL MA- *ahem* sorry.

Duke D Side - Espio [FwGJ]

kill me.

- made in ms paint XD

C A R [I meant to post the image ;-;]

My first ever finished fnf animation.

please rate :3