The Ultimate Nerd Game
6 years ago

Version 0.1.3 is out

Decided to do one more minor update for 0.1. Version 0.1.3 is now available for download!

Tomorrow after school is when I will begin development of the next major update, 0.2. The biggest goal of this version will be to increase performance with very large circuits.


  • wire hitboxes now extend vertically for a bit. Makes it easier to delete/rotate them when viewed at shallow angles

  • added new value editable in settings.txt, EnableMainMenuCameraPan. Setting this to false disables the camera movement in the main menu for people who get motion sick from it

  • the game no longer saves when you unpause via the escape key

  • fixed being able to get wires into invalid positions by rotating components

  • fixed being unable to lock rotation on panel switches, panel buttons, and through blotters

  • fixed typo in the input configuration dialog (Rotate Clcokwise -> Rotate Clockwise)

  • fixed me forgetting to update the in-game version number :P

Thank you, everyone, for playing my game and sharing all the cool stuff you’re making! I never expected the game to take off like it has, but I always really really hoped it would :D

If you haven’t already, check out the subreddit​. TUNG has a bustling, tightly-knit community growing over there and I’d love for you to be a part of it!



Next up

Update 0.2 Release Date Announcement The Ultimate Nerd Game version 0.2 will be released on March 20, 2018. This is an absolutely massive update and I could not be more excited to get it into your hands. Thanks for playing my game, everyone :D


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.

Family band complete!

Werehog transformation process. #sonicunleashed



Ibuki Mioda!

Finished work on the emotions of a new character for the tank universe


it happens