The Ultimate Nerd Game
6 years ago

Version 0.2.1 is out

​Hey all! Just a small update to fix a few issues that remained in 0.2. Thanks to everyone who’s reported an issue. Remember to report any bugs you find on the tracker!


  • pressing the non-numpad enter in the New Board menu now places the board you’re creating

  • whether or not to show Component ghosts is no longer persistent and will be reset to true whenever a save is loaded

  • reduced visual errors on displays and color displays

  • fixed Stack Board iterations not being properly reset to 1

  • fixed the component you’re placing freaking out if you rotated a Mount in a specific way

  • fixed an issue where certain saves would lock up the game

  • fixed sometimes not being able to delete snapping pegs

  • fixed the About menu being empty if accessed from the main menu

  • fixed typo in the About menu



Next up

Update 0.2 Release Date Announcement The Ultimate Nerd Game version 0.2 will be released on March 20, 2018. This is an absolutely massive update and I could not be more excited to get it into your hands. Thanks for playing my game, everyone :D

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

2d lighting experiment

The Authority decided to investigate the Basement and leads to recovering classified documents Fun fact: The building has 928 doors and not 1000 doors. #horror

Annie of the stars

Got some fun collectibles in our game, Path of Kami!

Sonic and Shadow as Pokémons. #Fakemon

Aston Martin Vantage 2019

Day 4, Achieved

#AstonMartin #FastChallenge #speedmodeling

Knocked down + Get up animation
