10 years ago

Version 0.2a

After a longer timeframe than it should have been…here is the second version of Dungeons and Disco.

Changelog 13/4/2014

-Dynamic Shadows

-New PseudoRandomizer Implemented (Mersenne Twister), produces better mazes and better general randomization

-Camera collisions fixed (no longer passing through walls on intersections)

-Interactions fixed (no longer able to pick up every object in the maze)

-Disco lights, ambient lighting / first attempt at coloured lighting



Next up

3d Model Prototypes These models are on their way to be textured and will soon appear on our dungeons! A big thank you to our modeller Ilias Petrogonas and our concept artist Elias Tsatsaris! Keep up the good work guys!

Come One, Come All!

Taste our latest overworld vertical slice! As always give us your opinions/feedback on features and performance!

📢 #Staysafe and dance, dance, DANCE! 💃🎵

Wear a #mask people 😷

"Endless Hero" #FreetoPlay #endlessrunner #game

Coming soon on #GooglePlay

Video by the awesome @Forat_Aldahme

#tenebrastudios #endlesshero #games #android

Concept Art Colour and lighting test concept art from our art director Elias Tsatsaris! Keep it up Elias!