
3 years ago

Version 1.0.1.

Fixes: Like one thing stopping you from getting the ending.

Notes: At some point, I plan on potentially making a hard mode, which will give some insight on the upcoming Damensions chapter. That's right, Damensions 2 is going to be a thing and it will be much bigger than the original.

As of right now, I plan for around 30 levels to appear as well as some actual lore to show up. Maybe this might explain the "lore" for this game.

Who knows?



Next up

What the dog doin'?

One left.

Fell asleep and now some wacky dog is in my copy of Bunny Man. He is a hungry home invader and he's raided Freddy's refrigerator.

April Development Log

What’s up Bunny Man nation? We’ve been cooking.

Merry Christmas (Woke up)

The game's development is now 50% complete. Now to do the other 50%.

Damensions is out!

Welcome to Italy.

Animating some spooks