Kudzu's Pizzeria
3 years ago

Version 1.0.3

-Removed Dev Key



Next up

Happy (Early) Halloween!

The Demo is out!

I hope you all enjoy what I have made so far, and if you find any bugs/have any feedback please let me know.

Got around to making a new pfp for myself

Sorry that I left for 2 weeks, things should hopefully start picking up again.

Requests for @pandatee01 and @PrimaDrawz

I'll probably do more soon, so if you already submitted something or want to, you still have a chance to be picked.

Updated Levie ref sheet


My submission for the #GJC1000 art contest!

(Hosted by @SplatTheCat)

Requests for @DarckyTheFrench and @KivBunny

Loved doing these, I might do even more in the future. For now, I am going to continue working on RCN2, there should be a new devlog soon.

I finally figured out how to make a room like this, took a bit more effort than I thought, but I think it looks amazing.

Morning Dakota 💤 | Decided to experiment a bit more with backgrounds, I honestly love how this turned out.