Five Nights At Wario's The Twisted Factory 2
3 years ago

Version 1.0.4 ! 💡

-No More Honk :(

-Unused images removed (so the game is now lighter)


=The ventilation now overloads faster

=Increased ventilation sound (with Waluigi)

=Change the sound of Ashley's footsteps when you weren't hiding under the desk (this is to be able to tell if you're dead because we weren't fast enough)

=Reduced the sound of the dying heart in the last cutscene

=Slightly reduced the speed of Corrupted Mario


-Corrupted Mario appeared small during his jumpscare

-Corrupted Ashley could kill you even after hiding



Next up

Version 1.0.8 ! 🖱

3 hours...

2 hours...

A normal merchant.

I realised I never announced this game I'm working on publicly:

Sooooo, here's a post about my next game:

~~~~~~~~~~~~🧠 Corrupted Minds 🧠~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's out ! (if you don't see it, wait a bit) ❤️️🎉

Please report any bugs to me if you find any ! 😉

I can't do much with the lags in the game, but I managed to reduce them a lot ^^'

To celebrate me being in Summer Break and therefore development being back on track, here's a nice fortifying image of Mario being sliced in twain 😁

High School Diploma grades (baccalaureate):

20/20 for Mathematics

20/20 for Science

Gigachad 😎

(Video made by @kroshx )