Sonic.EXE's Dank Hideout
3 years ago

Version 1.1.1 (Only one fix)

Umm... this might be a bit embarassing...

I haven't done alot for a while with this game and... I noticed a small error.... When the music stops on robotnicks stage... The game just throws an error saying variable "breakfast" isn't found 😳 (Because I renamed that to "breakfastM")

Luckily I fixed that!



Next up

Wow the workspace of the game is pretty big :o

wallahi this stolen sonic.rom sprite man. first someone decompiles the game and steals this sprite then another guy also steals it from that stealer

dr mario origins

get these squidwards out of my way!

well, hello there!

oh hey almost 100 followers

(tanks, guys)

i think i feel different.... (its my birthday)