-Added a new item called 'Bolls' which work like the old coloured tings
-Added an option to make rising water rubberband
-Added the extras menu into the main menu
-Changed the name of the direction strings on direction blocks
-Fixed corrupted section bug when dying while a magician exit is activated
-Fixed being able to push joeballs underwater with quick jumping
-Fixed some tileset template errors
-Fixed not being able to killdoor some falling platforms after they were used once
-Fixed sprite error while using a checkpoint with a custom skin
-Fixed being able to ride a pan while on a mount
-Fixed grimace stopping all movement while on a pan
-Fixed killdoor releated crash
-Fixed an ui error when finishing a level while invincible
-Fixed used ting gendoors and killdoors repeating their sfx all at once when restarting
-Fixed gendoored candy balls rotating the wrong way
-Fixed cages and other times not reacting to bouncy tiles properly
-Fixed gendoored ufo speed blocks not working properly when gendoored
-Fixed not all enemies reacting to water properly
-Fixed Rayman being able to go off screen while hanging on a ring
-Fixed an error in the bundled level 'Curse Chaos'