A Nightmare With Colors: Resaturated [DEMO]

2 years ago

Version 1.3.0 - Patch Notes

this a biggie

- Added a shortcut to the level select by holding the left mouse button in the setup screen.

- Added changelogs to the main menu (you can read it all using the scroll wheel).

- Fixed some errors with the main menu's background.

- Added Xbox controller support.

- Added a 3D sphere effect to the level select.

- The level images in the Level Select now become monochrome when the Color Filter option is deactivated.

- Added something to the level select.

- Updated old tutorial screenshots.

- Added a Pause screen upon pressing Tab.

- Added timers for one off gameplay levels (only appear after you beat them at least once).

- Rephrased Spectra (V1) gameover description.

- Improved the camera window in the nightshift.

- Added automatic turning in the cameras, where the camera will automatically turn to an animatronic.

- Removed the random intense light flickering.

- Added little fan icons to the camera window for when a mini enters a vent, making it easier to find the malfunctioning vents.

- Swapped Hidden Attack with Mini Attack and vice versa in the nightshift.

- Reconfigured the Playground camera (Cam 10).

- Changed the fullscreen button on the RuneRacer to be Q instead of Tab.

- Fixed some shader errors in the RuneRacer.

- Made it so it takes a little while to be able to reset the runeracer when you get a game over.

- Changed the RuneRacer End button to a text saying to press Y.

- Moved the Sub's low quality coordinates.



Next up

What's been happening + The Future for Resaturated.

(Read Article)

hi guys go follow @RedboyX1 , he's working on a lot of cool games

look at him go

happy new year everybody resaturated has been canceled

hi guys can you please hold the entire Resaturated Credits Song for me real quick

a wise man once said:

30/05 - Sorry.

A new game approaches!

Hey guys, I'm doing music commissions now. So if you need some songs for your projects please check out the article below!