Minor Changes:
-Added more stuff to the extras zip
-Added 2 new options to the Overall Graphics Quality (Lowest and Ultra) and now the option “Best” is called “Very High”
-Added 2 new options to the Terrain and Vegetation Quality (Lowest)
-Added more resolutions to choose
-Now 3D sounds don’t change the pitch when you move
-Decreased the volume of some sounds in Chapter 1
-Slender’s aggression increases a little slower in Chapter 1
-Increased the camera’s maximum zoom
-Decreased Entry #1’s difficulty a little bit
-Color distortion amount increases faster when looking at Slender
-Disabled the chromatic aberration effect in the main menu
-Decreased Slender’s teleportation chance
Bug fixes/Optimization:
-Fixed a bug that would activate color correction when it should deactivate
-Lowered the bloom quality in “High”
-Decreased the shadows’ resolution in “High”
-Compressed some meshes and textures
-Fixed a bug that would make the game load Chapter 3 if you lose in Entry #1
-Attempted to fix a bug that would make the player stuck by touching certain parts of the tents
-Fixed a bug that prevented the graphics controller from deactivating SMAA anti-aliasing in some levels