Project Readjusted 2
5 years ago

Version 1.3.5 Out Now

Hey guys.

As I’ve noticed from videos like Rexter and FusionZ, their duct door power had seemed to not affect sealed doors at all, completely going out and not breaking.

This is a very strange bug, as it worked completely normally for me and some testers, so fixing this bug for some people will be tricky.

1.3.5 has around 3 checks to make sure the door power goes out right as it drops to 0, but if it doesn’t on it’s own, there are more checks to make sure.

Hope this helps! As I said, bugs like this in Clickteam are annoying to deal with so I hope this update does.




Next up

Helmstache 3-1 on Purplemints mode is tougher than you think! These are pretty fun to speedrun.


First "Real" Teaser

New Teaser

Save your Tokens!


Throwback! Do you remember?

Helmstache v1.2.1 - Purplemint Mission Mode

Here's an old beta of the game showcasing some old graphics and the now scrapped Stocking, acting like the boot from Super Mario Bros. 3. It was scrapped from the game because of its stark resemblance but it was fun to make!


Just pushed a small fix for Project Readjusted 3 and decided to give the multiplayer mode some better Discord Rich Presence while I was at it!

Check out the update, now up on the page: