Spoilery stuff below
This update just changes the 6 AM screen after you beat the night at Sonic's Museum Palace Storage Unit.
Spoilery stuff below
This update just changes the 6 AM screen after you beat the night at Sonic's Museum Palace Storage Unit.
Thought it would be cool to recreate a bunch of old NR 1 teasers in the HD Edition style
The ones at the beginning are the new ones, the ones at the end are the old ones.
I was NOT cooking with this extras menu wtf
New year, new banner! (the image above isn't my new banner, this is just the nightmare salvage one for documentation)
I may make this monthly where at the start of every month I'll do a new banner but we'll have to wait and see
top 10 quotes of all time
here's an updated screenshot of the game I'm working on
when enough progress is done for night 1 I will properly announce what this is
oh my god
this was how it started
Just wanna say, I can't thank you guys enough for this, this game has been amazing to make and I wanna thank everyone who's enjoyed this game!
( P.S think I've settled on a future game idea :) )
Hey all! I thought it would be a cool idea to show some vectors of the characters that pretty much are unseen, back from when this was meant to be a collection of games.
(I never made anything for FNaS TP lmao)
Here's this cool FNaS NR 1 HD Edition phone wallpaper that I made like over a year ago! Yeah I actually have no idea why I just left it for a year but I guess it's public now lol