Undertale Red & Yellow
2 months ago

Version 1.6.1

- (Re)Addded @KitGorbunov to the credits. (sorry about that!)

- Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be able to stop running if auto-sprint was off.

- Tweaked collision of the flowers in the first room.

- Tweaked Mettaton EX.

- Added and tweaked several sprites.

- Fixed being able to wrongwarp easily in two rooms.

- Fixed the first cutscene with Sans crashing if you didn't have any armor equipped.

- Fixed several instances of armor dissapearing while in cutscenes.

- Typing "Shinix" in Mettaton's essay now fetches you a ton of points.




Next up

Version 1.3.0

Version 0.9.6

Version 0.10.0

Version 1.1.0

Version 0.9.5

Version 1.5.1

Ruins dialogue for the 1.7 update is pretty much done, so have a sneak peek >:D

Made it to 11:45PM, very good run. Still not 12:00AM tho

Undertale Red And Yellow! An Undertale mod designed to add extra dialogue and bring in features from the amazing Undertale Yellow to Undertale!

I am quickly becoming addicted. Send help.

Top 3 is good enough for now. But man is Endless mode addicting.