Those nights with carter tonight: Plan B
10 months ago

Version 10.10.0 known bugs

Toys—placeholder is shown instead of the toy

Problem: Sprite didn’t save

Thing— Thing and Penny’s AI swapped

Problem: Labeling Issue

Window— Game crashes when put in windowed mode

Problem: unknown.

Expect these issues with other issues to be fixed in version 10.10.1, which is coming soon.



Next up

Valentines day DLC avalible either Today or Tomorrow. Thanks!

the dumb video editor wont let me remove ugly watermark even though i have a subscription so.... sorry.

edit: Its based off Jollibee: Phase 2- game is coming either today or tomorrow ^~^

I’m late, but It’s an honor, @gamejolt

Oh damn! 100 followers! thank you!

*Laughs in mexican american*


This made me smile today :D

Wth I literally had to zoom out to 50% to be able to show all of them! Who's doing this and why?

I hate to be the bitch, but can you people PLEASE stop adding me to these group chats?

I'll be back soon

New Header!!!


This was based off of one of my favorite movies from the franchise, besides scream five, Scre4m