I suffer from thanatophobia, an intense and paralyzing fear of death that accompanies me every day. This fear is not limited to simple apprehension; it permeates every aspect of my life. Every time I fall asleep or find myself in a quiet moment, the image of me in a coffin inevitably pops into my mind. It's a disturbing vision that reminds me of the fragility of existence and the inevitability of the end, every time I sat in the corner, crying and spelling everytime "Why this happens to me..?" And from I had, I should never visite any graveyard or crematorium all because of this.
The anguish of no longer existing overwhelms me, often leaving me in a state of sadness and despair. I feel overwhelmed by the thought that each of us, one day, will face this reality. It's a constant inner struggle, where I wonder how to live fully when every moment is tinged with this fear. I'd like people to understand how difficult it can be to live with this anxiety, and how important it is to talk about it to find support and ease this suffering.