Sonic Before The Sequel Mobile
3 years ago

Visit the page with the Sonic XG port more often .

I did not abandon Sonic Before The Sequel, but froze it, but I will continue developing this port soon.

I don't know English well, so don't judge strictly


1 comment


Next up

If anything, I know that a remake update has been released, I'm working on it

Rocky Ride Zone Act 1

Кстати, напишите делать ли мне геймплей новых уровней?

Starlight Carnival Zone

The update will be global, almost all bugs and shortcomings will be fixed, as many as 17 levels will be in the update!!!

Even all sorts of little things, such as an updated game menu, and new special effects.

And the most important thing is the cutscenes!

Minor update, I fixed the bugs, and added support for the gamepad (the keyboard is also supported), wait for the update tomorrow!

В глобальном обновлении будет столько уровней

Mario '85 Mobile

Новое меню, сделал как в оригинале


Wait for the long-awaited update for the new year!

The port is being developed, I added a few things that you asked me to add, for example: