
6 years ago

VOID_r Release informations (Hype)

Today, finally, the playable version of VOID_r will appear on Gamejolt, what should you know about the release?

1. Version:

It’s gonna be full version (NO to Early Access), but the game will be constantly updated. So, if you find an bug, write about it - w4ty will be happy to investigate and fix it. :)

Also, DLC is coming too.

2. Release Time:

So that’s how you wait and wait, you see screenshots and get this feeling - hype, then you want to know about everything even at the time of the game’s release, so… when exactly?

  • 9:30 AM PST Time

  • 7:30 PM CEST Time

  • 5:30 PM GMT Time

  • 6:30 PM CET Time

  • 8:30 PM EEST Time

  • 12:30 PM EST Time

But, we will tweet, when the release come. So, don’t worry.

3. Release Date:

Today. This is well known.

4. Where I can download?
Press Download, when game will be uploaded. That’s all!

5. Will I be able to play on Android, Linux, IOS?

No, only Windows. Sorry!


Game ON!


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Next up

*Beep Beep* ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Hype train is coming…

4A 30 69 6E 20 55 35 21 0A 0A 43 30 6D 69 6E 67 20 53 30 30 6E 2E

VOID_r's Third Boss - The Head

Rebuild bridges in this innovative combination of Tower Defense and Top-Down Shooter. Help Carrier and Fighter do their job of rebuilding bridges between islands and finally rebuild human relations to resolve any conflicts.


VOID_r Progress #14 - Before the release.

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VOID_r Now Available!

VOID_r Update 1.0.5 - Custom Difficulty + Tweaks!

VOID_r Update 1.2.0 - The End
