Bruce's funny adventure
1 year ago



Next up

Got these on Christmas:

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure spinoff manga, "Rohan in Louvre", and another volume of Beastars

Box art for the game!

I really like how it turned out


Первый ГЕЙМПЛЕЙ!!!

Freddy - 100%

Bonnie - 90%

Chica - 10%

Foxy - 15%

F#r$e^dddY - --%

Now instead of a single error screen we'll have sorta screensaver

Meet our first enemy: Slime Yea, just retextured Goomba that has better animations for idle and being stomped. Also, we added a first music track in the game, maybe later I'll record a video with it's showcase

I made a thing

Announcing a new cartoon series for Bruce's funny adventures featuring the main heroes from the game and also some background characters! Don't wanna spoil anything for now, tomorrow I will post some teasers from a pilot toon!

Some news: