A Lifetime of Realistic Simulations
8 years ago

Voting ends!

News Update!

A little under 7 hours from now the voting for GameJolt’s GDC Jam will come to an end!

It’s an exciting moment for all the participating devs because not long after that the results will be announced at :D

Fellow jammers have played and voted for the creations of their peers over the past two weeks and are obviously eager to find out where they’ll be on the rankings of 130+ games made during the 72 hour jam. On top of all that, the top 5 will get to showcase their jam-game at GDC in San Francisco!

I would like to thank everyone for the lovely comments, ratings, votes and feedback! You’ve been awesome and I’m extremely thankful for the amazing response :)

Though we’re all secretly hoping to be in that top five, no matter where the game ends up on that list this has been one awesome experience. ( to be honest I have no idea but I can’t wait to find out.. )

For those wondering about further developments of this game. I’ve received some very positive comments and useful feedback, which I’m very grateful for! Some of you have mentioned hoping to see more of this in the future. To be fair I always promise further developments during post-jam and usually end up getting distracted by other projects.. However;

Though I won’t make any promises this time ( see, I’m learning ), I truly enjoyed creating this game and how it turned out. IF there’s going to be further developments, it’s most likely going to be a different title, since the ‘message’ of this game has pretty much been delivered.

To share some of my thoughts; It would be cool to make something along the lines of this concept where there’s actually multiple consequences, perhaps even multiple messages and insights. It would be made in the same well received style, including voice-acting, extended ‘game-play’ elements and meaningful role-playing, and most importantly a series of different paths and endings.

( Including all the feedback I’ve received so far. )

Sounds good to you? Let me know!




Next up

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