2 days ago

vro my deep fried doodles look like this

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random but important thing i have in my gallery feel free to boost cuz its summer ^_^

Especially if u have a pet that u bring outdoors !!

This is me IRL btw /silly

made by @MinionTampons / @DrRETRO


fuck america day vro,, today is my nephews birthday i miss him alot but we have him everywhere so technicaly he isn’t entirely gone :)

Average experience of a female character on gamejolt (seriously why is everyone instantly gooning when they see a woman on here)

My cats new collar btw :3

I love this stupid picture so much why

watch out jam………….. menacingly rubs hands together /silly

WHAT πŸ’”πŸ˜­

My children <3 i totally popped out my ussy trust πŸ™πŸ™