Equestrian Tales
9 years ago

Want to See my Other Games?

So, in addition to the two games I have up here already I have another handful I’m working on. My question is, would you like me to upload them all to GameJolt for you to view and play as I work on them? Or would you like to keep it to just the two visible ones for now? Either way, I’ll still be working on the game that I’m in the mood to work on regardless. ALSO: If you’ve already seen this blog on my Pinkamena And The Quest To Save Equestria page, then you don’t need to vote here!
The games are as follows:

“Welcome To Equestria (MLP Dating Sim)”

Software: Adobe Flash CS6
Info: A Safe-For-Work dating SIM featuring MLP characters. That’s right. A SFW MLP Dating Sim. I plan to make this in-depth and already have a somewhat playable pre-alpha right now. Though, you can’t do much. Testers welcome and help with ActionScript3.0 appreciated.

“Star Wars: Episode 6.5 - Kylo Ren”

Software: RPG Maker MV
Info: Play as Kylo Ren as he hunts down the last of the Jedi and helps the First Order build the Starkiller Base in the fan-made unofficial bridge between Return Of The Jedi and Force Awakens.

“Skin & Sand”

Software: RPG Maker MV
Info: Play as anthro Twilight as she goes to the beach to hang out with her friends. There, they encounter the Dazzlings who have taken over the majority of the beach. A comical RPG where plastic shovels are your weapons and plastic pales are your armor. All of the sexy artwork (which inspired the game) created by Fluttershiny, used with permission.

“Grand Theft Auto: Ponytropolis”

Software: RPG Maker VX Ace
Info: Play the game based on my hit(?) series on FIMFiction. Play as Twilight as she learns the ways of the gang and trains with firearms. Free-roam the city and take jobs at random, just like the mechanics in GTA5. NOTE: Someone’s gotta tell me how explicit games on GameJolt can be, ‘cause there’s a LOT of explicit stuff in this game.

“MLP: The Return of Tirek (G1)”

Software: RPG Maker XP
Info: Play as the G1 ponies as they rebuild their home. You, the player, gets to decide the layout of the home and where each room goes. Want the kitchen beside the bedroom? Go for it! But, remember… Tirek is out there and you must stop him.

I have a couple more, like a massive SCP one featuring TONS and TONS of creatures and creepypastas, but these are the ones I’m more focused on right now. Now, this may seem like a lot, but it’s not that much for me.



Next up

Preparing a CHAPTER 1 build right now. Just gotta wait for the game to compress.

Starbright's house (and crisper Ponyville default houses) completed!

New DEV LOG available in the media banner on the game page.

Also available on my YouTube page:

Here's Zecora's hut from the outside. May seem a little half-"flanked" but I didn't feel like drawing her tree, so I used the image from the GameLoft mobile game :P

0.9.2 Patch updates:

- Fixed a dialogue bug on the east path in the image shown above

- Hopefully fixed a bug with Firestarter's text

- You should be able to continue the game after beating Trixie and seeing the credits

The PIE SISTERS are now complete! Expect one to join at the start of CHAPTER 2!

v0.10.1 released with the following fixes:

- Added Zecora's missing image that caused the game to crash when freeing her.

- The duplicates in Cloudsdale have been removed.

- Twilight's dialogue when investigating Shy's cottage no longer goes off-screen.

v0.9.0 Now Available!

I updated the Pie Sisters' sprites including Pinkamena. Next up is Maud.

v0.10 is out now! Hopefully bug-free but probably not!

ALSO, IMPORTANT NOTE: Ignore the Spike patch folder.

OC NOTES: Dreamer Prose is Dragonfire2lm's OC and Starbright is one of mine from my "Pinkamena and the Quest to Save Equestria" game