You can have up to 5 players, 3 cards each.
A round / turn is when everyone playing plays once.
Everything is weak to something, when they attack someone weak to them something special happens that you can see on the bottom of the card.
You can see on some cards there are special events, they are just as they sound. When the thing it says happens, do the thing it tells you to do.
There’s also If cards. Basically it’s just if someone thing happens, your whole team gets a upgrade unlike the weakness which only gives you a buff and is only when you attack someone weak to you.
There are now half cards, they start out on the left but change sides when they get attacked by their weakness.
One other thing are Defensive Cards, the number by the shield on the card is how much damage they do not take when attacked.
Also there are partner cards, they are cards with one basic attack and a special. They also dont have weaknesses. You can have up to 3 of them alongside your normal cards.
Biggest Army: Instead of bringing 3 cards and up to 3 partners, bring up to 35 cards in total.
Sidekick Ambush: Only bring partner cards. Now you can bring up to 5 partners though.