2 years ago

We are looking for a sprite coder for a megaman fangame x here is the page of the game:https://gamejolt.com/games/tnar-fan-made-megaman/717022

Lose the page does not look good but we are working hard to make the game a reality

we ask for help everywhere to make the game a reality

please I ask you from my heart



Next up

Lalalalala chambeando

Development block: New direction

I wanted to redraw this drawing from 3 years ago lol, here the sketch maybe I'll finish it :]

Hoy se estrena tnav 2 alas 10:30Am

¿Están listos y emocionado como yo?

Mega Man X3 Blizzard Buffalo. Did my best, hope y'all like it!

Ya tengo Twitter xd. Ahí estaré publicando cosillas/ I already have Twitter xd. I'll be posting things there: https://x.com/Maxielpelotido?t=99jPkrBaojP6vNDPCa-qXQ&s=09

¿Que tema me sugieren?

Those nights at randoms 2 will release in 2039 ajajjssjajsjajajjsjjddobeobeoj (jk)

Funstar random from tnar 2 a game by: @RandomHeck

This is my second and probably last tnar art, that until the 2 update of the first game is released

Don't Forget Me