27 days ago

We fr need to do something about it #stopkidsfromgettingintofnia. Just some random hashtag that won’t do anything really but still fr something has to be done



Next up

For some reason I felt like making a new character having the same hairstyle as rexter so I made Shelly and added a ponytail to her so she doesn’t look completely like rexter

Wasn’t easy to organize but did it 🙃

Some """""""""""jumpscares""""""""""" I made a couple of days ago.

this was a FNF version of my original oc that my friend made a actual sprite of and made this


FunFact the shortest version of rexter is DeviantArt rexter and runxy doesn’t count because he’s his own character

Welp time to do this stuff since I see people doing it


Decided to draw classic rexter since I was bored