We have reached 130 members and the community has only been around for 5 months! While that may not seem like much of an achievement but for a community that is for a fangame I am very impressed an grateful for all the support!
- @Potott
Next up
guys video games have officially crossed the line, while it's totally okay to have blood and gore in video games Lego characters being dismantled in them is absolutely HORRIBLE!!!!
The first ever community PVZ: DD Art Contest! 🎨
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listen up kids
We have gotten over 100 members on the Official PVZ DD community :D
Thank you so much for all the support on the community! I am not sure what I should do to celebrate so leave suggestions in the comments if you have any ideas! :)
Happy Fall!
This Is The Season Of Change. Leaves Are Changing, The Homes Of Animals Are Changing And The Warm Weather Is Also Changing Into Cooler Weather! Happy Fall All And Enjoy The Beauty Of This Season Has To Offer!
Recently a young boy named Ben Stelter has passed away from Glioblastoma he was a huge fan of the Edmonton Oilers NHL team and has left big hole within the hearts of people in the hockey community.
Support his dad's twitter:
The #PVZDDARTCONTEST is going to be extended by one week and will now end on June 18th!
uhhh 💀💀💀