14 days ago

We make different mechanics for TransfurClick

[ Yes. It looks a little damp so far, but the result pleases me, that it all turns out to be implemented <3 ]



Next up

A beautiful killing of a man in the air | PUBG Mobile

So we moved on to the main idea of ​​the game, namely the clicker, we begin to implement the clicker mechanics in TransfurCliсk. Keep a gif of this mechanic in the game

Scarlet Eye is back with a new project in his paws, hold on! The main menu of my new fan game based on Changed UwU

commission for 32 USD :3

I'm sitting here designing an interface for the game, to you like it?)

For my steam profile :P unfortunately its low quality cause steam wants 5mg files xdd

Do you expect good content from this fan-game? >w>

Highlight Moment

Everyone needs a friend :3

Briefly about fans of the .EXE universe :