The Team and I are working on trying to finish the the maps and the models to start working on the Nights, we're working on other special features as we're doing so that I yet cannot say.
We need your help. This is game has been planned to be big and will take sometime to make but we need to know if more people are interested in wanting to play it. This will take time to work on and our deadline is at 2020. To help us out, sharing the page out to friends and others could help us understand what people expect from us. We don't want to disappoint. We already have all of the story completed and planned out the entire game with the features, mechanics, gameplay, and more. Now it's the matter of time of making everything.
On a side note, we're getting a lot of progress done and soon enough there will be something that I would like to show all of you.
Thank you for your support everyone.