Mall of Horror (DEMO)
26 days ago

we've made a bunch of characters! and i will be posting them later today! but imma pixelate the hybrid so you won't see it until i launch the game!

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yo, I made this on scratch, it's jumbo chasing after player

smth close to what you see when you startup the game (idk if me and SOD will change it)

isn't this true? (not really for gamejolt tho)

here, I drew the MOH characters, sorry it's blurry, i was in a bad setting, don't ask why in the drawing jumbo is 228 months pregnant with 16 babies , I suck at drawing and i was in a hurry

early jimmy stuff (gif made by me and image made by SOD)

the player is 3D now

why did i do this, i made this image with ai

Guys… pls help me

sorry i didnt post these earlier, me and glitchboss were working on mall of horrors (MOH) here it is!