[V3 DEMO] daving bambi weed edition

9 months ago

weedbi if he was worser

thank you for the amazing art @goofyahhblueberry meatballs

edit: i, sumas, did not actually post this, i think rato was the one to do so as me.



Next up

some discord whiteboard ongoings

Note: this is taking place in the dev streaming channel of the weed edition discord server

Little bit of progress!

(made by me, inescapable made the dave model for this.)

sooooo sorry for the lack of things lil teasers for the update BUT there is progress still being made! (char is named daisy fyi)

Canbi redesign is done!

what do you guys think of it? (props to inescapable for remaking the pupils, and mouth, plus making eyebrows for them)

average weed edition and I.I dev fireside chat:

bluxpunged is upcomeathoning!!

edit: i, sumas, did not actually post this, i think rato was the one to do so as me.

so i tried using adobe animate to see if i liked using it, and no weedbi isn't getting redesigned, i drew them as a test

if you're somehow confused this is weedy, the poorly drawn object shows the equivalent of weed

I had someone in the comments ask why Eitan is in the mod (he isn't in the mod)

(edit from Sumas)

have a great day!

would you look at that

the song's no longer under 2 minutes

a render of canbi with his hat