Children Of The Stars
2 years ago

Week 2 of weekly updates to COTS.

Wow it's already been a week? Alright well time to list all the things that happened (Also if you were wondering why my vocabulary was really bad last Week, that is a reference to an upcoming character you'll see soon.)

  • Added 4 new songs (The Tic Tac Boss themes)

  • Replaced Special Enemies with Mini-bosses (Well that's not confirmed yet but there's a high chance it will be)

  • Changed Dave's personally and design majorly (No more funny man with gold bucket on his head )

  • Came with a recurring boss theme (Not the music kind) for all 5 chapters. (Also there's confirmed 5 chapters, did you know that?)

  • Game has been changed from "Platformer Run 'n' Gun" to a Deltarune-Styled RPG

  • Possibly different weapons, hats, skills and items being added (Again not confirmed but I will ask @iBeanieGames about it because I have a lot of ideas for them which will add a lot of replay value)


    Well that's all for this week, See you all next week!



Next up

You want to see Early Art?

Wario show you Early art.

(Credit : @RaulEnyawGames )

Not related to the game but I thought it was funny

kura's final sprite. me and @SpinGames thought kura's outfit was too immature so here is the redisign


I am going to.

Funni soda ad

has to do with a character u will see someday.

by @RaulEnyawGames

Bruh who made this meme, because I can relate.

funny halloween art by @RaulEnyawGames

... im not sure how to ellaborate further

Leak? Uh yeah, I sure hope it does.

@RaulEnyawGames calls this "Thusshi"(Short for Thicc Ushi) and I won't even get into the specifics of what iBeanie thinks of it.

(Side Note : He told me to post it.)

some head designs for our main cast. dont worry about the dude with the skull bandana and sunglasses (Apollo) and robot (Rebel Robot) ill talk about them soon...

this also is by @RaulEnyawGames