Children Of The Stars
2 years ago

Week 4 of Weekly Updates to COTS

  • New Tracks (Blood On Our Hands (Version 1,2 and Extended)

  • @RaulEnyawGames is making more posters

    Ehhhh, that's basically it, again we don't got much for the past 2 weeks.

    Happy Halloween everyone.



Next up

oh yes. i've been waiting to talk about this guy. Art by @RaulEnyawGames .

funny halloween art by @RaulEnyawGames

... im not sure how to ellaborate further

Bruh who made this meme, because I can relate.

Thank you gabe for all of the stuff below.

Not related to the game but I thought it was funny

kura's final sprite. me and @SpinGames thought kura's outfit was too immature so here is the redisign


I am going to.

some head designs for our main cast. dont worry about the dude with the skull bandana and sunglasses (Apollo) and robot (Rebel Robot) ill talk about them soon...

this also is by @RaulEnyawGames

When I said I wanted an artist I didn't mean I wanted a theft artist

On the bright side, @iBeanieGames will probably kidnap him too after he finds me.

ayo bro man is tweakin. @SpinGames why would you say this?//////??//? thats innapropriate they are children.....