9 years ago

Weekly Update 4: I'm back and with a demo

Hey guys, thanks for being patient with me. I haven’t updated in a long time but I have been working! If all goes well I’ll be continuing with these Thursday updates unil launch. Last Sunday I published an alpha on Tigsource and have recieved some feedback so it’s ready for Gamejolt! There still might be some issues so please let me know if you find a bug!

The demo ends around when you get the bowl powerup, specifically when you roll down the tunnel with the yellow square at the end. That wil end the game upon touch, so make sure you’re done wandering around by then.

Anyways, here’s a screenshot of a new area I’ve been working on that’s not in the demo (sorry). Next week I’ll talk about how you’ll progress through the game.


Thanks for reading, and make sure you tell me what you thought of the demo.



Next up


I'm developing a new commercial game with a small team! A demo will be coming to steam soon, but you can wishlist it in the meantime if you're into deckbuilding / autobattlers / roguelikes!

Menu system of the future! #Nojong

For some reason, it's really hard to change the alpha value of a tile layer in GameMaker. You can do this easily for sprite or instance layers, but not tile layers. So here's a video on how to easily update the alpha value of tile layers in real time.

Coming Soon! #Nojong


Wonder if anyone can guess what kinda game I'm working on right now with this GameJolt session data as the only clue. I bet someone can sleuth it out!

Nojong, an arcade mashup of Tetris and Mahjong is out now!

Some awesome fanart from Zyalin!