Grant Mod V2

5 years ago


7 is a lucky number. I probably would've found an excuse regardless of whatever number Weekly Update it was, but regardless, I've decided to do 4 things:

1: I'll start putting to do lists at the end of every Weekly Update.

2. I'll start scheduling Weekly Updates at 5:00 PM Saturday.

3. I'll start to omit less important stuff from every Weekly Update, such as description changes, as well as spoilers.

4: I'll make a demo for Grant Mod V2 to see if people like it, and by extension, if I should continue making it.

Apart from that, Normal Mode and Grant Mode have been renamed to Bebder's Quest and Grant's Granpaign respectively.


Game Progress:

RPG Maker:

+Fully made Grantonimore into a party member, apart from some missing moves and animations that still need to be added.

=Remade the intro.

=Grantonimore's Bebder's Quest and Grant's Granpaign initial levels respectively dropped from 30 and 20 down to 20 and 10..

+Continued work on the first Grantonimission.

=Replaces paralysis with "Down", a status that halves attack, defense, and agility.


+Gave Grantonimore 4 new animations.

=Removed the blue streak on Grantonimore's right leg for kicking attacks, to make it more accurate to the fact that the streaks are on the outside of the pants.

+Worked a little bit on the tileset for the new "smaller" areas, not to imply that I'm currently working on them in the actual game. I just did that because I didn't have access to my other computer at the time.

Sound Effects:

+Created an explosion sound effect.


+Continued work on, and made an outline of the overall story. This is currently private, but I may release a teaser every now and then.


+4 views for a total of 45.



*Finish Grantonimore’s animations.

*Make Melware tell you to not save in certain places because it causes events to reset position if you leave the game and come back for some reason.

*Finish the first Grantonimission and town area for Bebder's Quest.

*Replace the Wendy's employee's sprite to be more accurate with the overworld and face sprite.

*Make unique battle backgrounds.

*Plan out Grant's Granpaign.

*Start and finish the town area for Grant's Granpaign.

*Release what I have so far as a demo.



Next up

Here's a small sample of the new spritework I've made for Build 4 of The Remdemo. I'm actually starting to run out of space for the town tileset lol, probably should've made 2 separate ones for outside and inside the houses.


Here's Grantonimore's in-battle idle animation.

I found this inside my Google Drive. I apparently made it a long time ago. I just thought I should show you guys. It's also fitting for customer service for Wendy's in Bebder Game.

Proof that Grantonimore still hates furries.

These are the new party members for Grant Mod V2: Remdar's Conquest. You can tell that I'm very extremely serious and not joking at all because April Fools' was 3 days ago and therefore it is illegal for me to be kidding about something.


The CEO battle and stat reworks are going great so far, I'm also considering doing a major rewrite of Chapter 1, but I'll probably save that for a Build 5 since Build 4 has already taken pretty long.

Just realized while looking at my earlier post that the first letters of the main party's names spell out RAD so I'll probably call them "Team RAD" lol.

Also just for context I decided to rename Fire Thug to Doug.