Everything is going smoothly and there has been no hiccups to the project. Thanks to everyone who has been submitting bug reports, they are being fixed as they are being reported.
I have time off this week so I’m hoping to be able to knock out a good chuck of my To-Do list this week. That includes the following.
This Weeks Focus
My main focus this week will polishing Chapter 1, and possibly scrapping it and starting over again on it. All dialog will remain the same and nothing will change story wise, but in truth I’ve never been happy with Chapter 1. It doesn’t convey properly how work has been put into the game.
Finishing Gnarlus’ Faceset. Honestly, its not that I’m putting this one off, but it seems every time I pick up my pencil I can’t seem to draw something I like. With Gnarlus being my Fursona, one would think I could draw him no problem, but nope.
Final Balancing of enemy stats.