GTLive: An Untold Story
7 years ago

Weekly Update: THE GAME IS DONE! But bugs make it unplayable xD

So the game is 90% done. All the events, maps, cutscenes, everything is done. Right now I’m going thru and debugging the game and re-balancing all enemy stats and everything. The release date of the full version may come sooner rather then later so keep your eyes peeled.

Next Project

In the development of GTLive: An Untold Story, I was contacted by an author about the idea of making an RPG game based off his book. It really surprised me but after much thought I think I’m going to take a shot at it. However, that will mean me learning a lot more about RPGMaker, and possibly have to learn creating my own Tilesets and Sprites.
More details to follow, but I want to thank everyone who has been sharing the game for bringing this opportunity to me.

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Next up

I just wanted to show whats planned for the final boss of Chapter 4.

Almost Done. Needs one final tweeking for stats and Debugs.

Preview of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Thanks to Rusty Mudstix for the Art.

Progress report

No, this is not an April Fools Joke. Chapter 3 is almost ready.

Sample of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Trying to make him more Reptilian Looking.

What is in the works.

Sneak Peak of Chapter 4. Yes, its all correct.

Senpai has noticed us!

Because reason.