GTLive: An Untold Story
7 years ago

Weekly Update: What's Left to Do, Tentative release date.

Last week was rather hectic for me but I somehow came out of it fine with quite a bit of progress done on the game. Firstly I want to start of saying that I’m going to try to limit myself to posting once a week, while putting screenshots up thru Twitter rather then thru Gamejolt.

Tentative Full Release date: JUNE 25th, 2017

That is my goal. Thus far most of the things that need to be finished are pretty minor, and I have a few days booked off coming up soon, so I hope to be finished developing the game by then.

What is Left?

  • Dialog for final battle.

  • Final Cutscene of the Awesome Ending. The Bad and Neutral endings are finished, but the Awesome Ending is still a work in progress.

  • Complete Revamp of Chapter 1; Looking back at Chapter 1 (A Matpat Parable), I’m not happy with it. The other chapters feel complete but Chapter 1 is just dull and doesn’t show how much work has been put into this project, and it is a bit of a turn off I feel. I intend to make it less of a hallway and more open ended like The Stanley Parable. That being said however, to avoid Copyright infringement, I’ve got to change key components of it, but this will not affect the overall story. (And there is no way I’m taking out the Stan Lee Battle. That is one of my favorite jokes.)

  • 3 more sketches for Gnarlus’ Faceset, and coloring of 8 faces. Also as a side note I may also do a new Full Body Shot of Gnarlus for his battles.

  • Spelling and Grammar check, and bug fixes.

  • More Questions for Chapter 4 Boss. During the boss you have to answer questions correctly to attack, and the pool of questions it can pull from thus far ranges between 94-102 different questions. (Some of the questions are impossible to get wrong)



Next up

Almost Done. Needs one final tweeking for stats and Debugs.

Preview of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Thanks to Rusty Mudstix for the Art.

No, this is not an April Fools Joke. Chapter 3 is almost ready.

What is in the works.

I just wanted to show whats planned for the final boss of Chapter 4.

Progress report

Sample of Gnarlus' New Faceset. Trying to make him more Reptilian Looking.

Senpai has noticed us!

Sneak Peak of Chapter 4. Yes, its all correct.

Because reason.