10 months ago

Welcome to our Main Menu Team The Makers Project

Leader ship of Team: @Seifmaker1 -Story Writer

Devlopers: @cube-buddy -Primary Modeler Texture and Admin of Team @CleylteTubeBrutusGC -Montager Traliers and Poster news of Projects @JolonRa - Secoundery Modeler Texture and Effecter adder @bumciakk - Animator 2D and 3D Animator @Zezo_The_Dependable - Tester Projects ,tertiary Modeler and Youtuber @Thekin178g_gamer3000 - Tester Projects and adder Perfect Quailty @DashCompileCretor Tester Projects @Guymaker Tester Projects


Five Nights At Resetes



Next up

Okay sooo . seifmaker is back to gamejolt finaly . i know most of people here who dont care and who is angry becuase i am back and these all . but i promise I will not talk at any one . All apologize to everyone i insult him -Read Article-

Oh oh oh We have small problem Team .The Problem: seifmaker Lost his Email but he still have his Password Seifmaker try to Fix this problem Right now Team the maker account will sey result after Fix this Problem Maybe Seifmaker will lost this account

The game is still under devlopement that just small video about Fnar -i know it's not that good but i do hard work for this game-

I have been working on Texture of Task Command in Computer . *sure yea i am not just work on this i was working on anther things*

News Five Night's at Resetes: Team The Makers Deacler @pump_sus Rework at Textures fnar Honestly the anther Modeler @cube-buddy Doesnt work for some reason So @Seifmaker1 Asked Aurelio to work at texture again and Aurelio accpet we deacler work on fnar

Team The Makers Will help at Devlopement Bloodscape and We are proud we are working with M.r @JoshuaSTRS

We deacler our new fnar website and this is Right website go check https://gamejolt.com/games/Fnar/869670

We deacler change every Texture in Five nights at Resetes i mean we will remake textures to @pump_sus

Leave from team so I cant ask him about make camera's Texture and buttons Texture so @cube-buddy and @Cleylton_Recreator Will remake texture of fnar

Beautiful musket