1 year ago

Welcome to the Soda Pop Parlor!

(This post will be updated as time passes.)


Sodastock are inhabitants of the Parlor, with there being 5 in each sector. The Sodastock consist of Flavoring, Coffee Bean, Sugar, Carbonated Water, and Caramel Coloring. The Sodastock have been locked up in crates due to being essential for the Soda Pop Parlor's soda production, but if you break them free they'll lend you 50 bucks! Sweet deal, if you ask me.


Hey, that's you! You're a nervous (yet still brave (occasionally (kind of))) western honey bee (or European honey bee, whatever floats your boat) who is somehow sentient, I guess. And anthropomorphic?? No you are not a furry stop asking

Anyways you have a passion for soda crafting, so you open up your own soda fountain, aptly titled Pepsini Soda. Unfortunately, people don't exactly have a passion for your shop. Except for this dude named Jasper who comes in every afternoon for a glass of Cheerwine. He's kind of weird, but he's loyal, so whatever. Anyways, your business is failing. Not only that, but a huge soda fountain just opened down the block from yours! What the hell?!? So you waltz over there to give the owner a piece of your mind, but you're not exactly treated well. So, you decide to give em a bit more than a piece of your mind... a piece of your fist, too!

Okay that's enough backstory. You can do some cool tricks as a bee, like triple jumping, and VERY temporarily clinging onto walls, or groundpounding (but I've already seen like, two other people do that? Not that long ago too. Funny thing is, they were both wearing white. And a toque. And a tanktop. One of them had patches on their toque, too. Wh- what do you mean I'm rambling?) And also, you can use your soda brewing skills to assist you, too! You have the choice of using your soda bottles as weapons, or just using your bare hands, because who doesn't love to brutally mutilate people. Either path you choose, you're sure to decimate that pesky guy at the top of the complex!

Oh, one more thing?

Your full name is Pepsini Apis Mellifara.

Unfortunate. Your first name is a soda pun and the rest a bee pun. I would hate to be you.


Theodore Jacob Noiseson is your employee, and your best pal! You two get along pretty swell. Theo is the social media manager, marketer, and graphic designer of the company. Essentially, leave the tech to him. However, he's rather bashful and introverted. He also wears a hoodie that looks pretty sick, if you ask me. He wears glasses, but he's not short of sight. Those protect his eyes from screens. That being said, don't take his glasses and ask him how many fingers you're holding up, or it won't be pretty. Theo joins you into your venture into the Soda Pop Parlor for moral support, but it winds up needing to be actual support later on (not THAT far in, just the fourth level.) He prefriends a Stupid Possum, whom he names Mellow! Now Mellow, Mellow is adorable. And strong. But mostly just a big fluffy guy. Theo ratatouilles them by their ears. Where Theo lacks in speed, Mellow exceeds.


Animals under the genus Stupid are common throughout the tower. There are only two species under it, however. Both share similar yet vastly different traits. The Stupid raccoon (common name "Stupid Raccoon") share many traits with the common raccoon, likely why they're called Stupid Raccoons. Stupid Racoons are stupid hard to move. Their fat asses sit around all day, doing nothing. They only get up occasionally to scavenge for food. If you give them food, however, they'll scurry on out of your way quick as they can. They may be stupid, but they have a sense of gratitude! The Stupid opossum (common name "Stupid Possum") similarly share many traits with the common opossum and the Stupid Raccoon. However, one key difference between the Stupid Possum and the Stupid Raccoon (minus the physical characteristics) are that Stupid Possums won't budge. Like, at all. Food does nothing. Instead, you need to, unfortunately, kill them. It's okay, they don't mind, they get reincarnated at the end like nothing happened. Regular means won't suffice, though. You'll need a transformation to burst through their defences.


Transformations are cool :)


You may have noticed that there seem to be no structual pillars in sight in the Soda Pop Parlor. Maybe like, a decorative one or two, but no actual pillars, no columns. That's where Corin (grimly) comes in. In each level, there resides one copy of Corin. Corin is a massive glass bottle who holds up the entire level. Thanks to them being made of glass, breaking them is ridiculously easy if you're strong enough. The grim part? You HAVE to break them. In order to complete the level and free the Sodastock, you must exit the level. However, you can't exit unless you break Corin. Breaking Corin will activate Fizzy Frenzy, causing all Corin Blocks to invert into either solid or unsolid, depending on their previous state. More will be described in Fizzy Frenzy's individual entry.


Piper is the "security officer" of the Soda Pop Parlor, but I'll be honest, she doesn't care. She hates her job anyways, so she'd gladly watch the place crumble if it meant that that annoying Fizzsplat, the CEO, would be done for... wait a minute. Piper has the keys to all the security offices, one in each level. Legend has it that a treasure awaits inside. But first, you need to FIND Piper. And the office. Often times, the office will either be A: blocked off until Fizzy Frenzy, or B: be just more plain convenient to come back during Fizzy Frenzy. Piper used to be best friends with Corin, but the CEO needed the Parlor to have... actual stability, so the CEO split Piper into multiple of them and spread them across every level. High at the top of the tower, remains the true Corin, waiting...


Fizzsplat is the one behind it all. He's the owner in question back at your entry (the Pepsini entry.) And you know what? He's a cheeky little bastard. He acts like a child- and not in the good way. Infact, he got jealous at your establishment. What a little piece of- uh, my advisor's telling me I can only swear once per entry. Dang it. Despite his childish acts, this man is STRONG. I mean, like, he can practically end you. He's a force to be reckoned with, so uh, don't try to immediately slam him. Very bad idea. Also, somehow, he's like... this soda creature? It's kind of weird. I just don't get how his bottle (and his contents, for that matter) stay afloat...


Not to be confused with Fizzsplat. Upon breaking Bottle Corin, Fizzy Frenzy will initiate. A timer will appear on the screen and you have to frantically dash back to the start of the level. All Corin Blocks will invert either from solid to unsolid or unsolid to solid. Extra enemies will spawn in your path and special points will be able to be collected, such as the small sundials or the larger pendulum clocks. Upon the timer ending, Fizzsplat will come chase after you, and the level will begin to collapse. Fallen debris can be easily broken, however, so fret not. Also, Fizzsplat... is kind of dumb. And slow. You could easily outrun him if it weren't for various obstacles. Once he catches you, he sends you back to the hub. Why not just kick you out of the Parlor completely? I... have no idea.



Next up

Green Pim

"Thank you @jasxy_ " we all say in unison

recreated platform to the best of my ability

You Drank All The Soda In The Glass You Ignorant Masochist

(Lap 3+ Theme)

The Fool

made this in an art jam magma

Glass Half Empty

(Lap 2 Theme)

what do you think compelled starlo to make his battle theme go so hard

That's just how Cowboy Shows go, I guess.

(tw: blood)

Glass Half Full v1

(Lap 1 Theme)