These Nights at Jax Justun's 2: Parker Heiste for Some Challenges
4 months ago

Well folks, the #SecondTheseNightsAtJaxJustun's game's having brand new and original parody characters here!!!!

They're both known as "Mrs. Groop Pop And Glop" and "Peramyid ZLreadd"!!!!! Stay tuned for some more future updates about those two and crazy love bird-ed Evil Cloud Keepers and everything!!!! And yes, their designs and models will be out sooner and later!!!! Probably around in the Summertime of 2024!!!! As for now, stay tuned for some more future updates!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!



Next up

2022 Parody Character #69 - Mrs. Groop Pop And Glop (Created on: July 8th, 2024 - July 9th, 2024) Hey folks, it's been a few days or more, but here she is at long last!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #38 (For Due-Eye-Say “The Doose-Eye Box” or "DooseEye BirdMcCaw") - Created on: Sept. 24th, 2024 Oh boy!!! It's the morning folks!!! And it's now September 24th, 2024!!!! And of course, we have something fun here!!! WAIT!?!?! Is.....

Jax Justun Studios Fan-Made Parody Header #9 - (Created on September 26th, 2024) After weeks of recovery, Jax Justun Studios had finally created us something from themselves alone!!! That didn't really came out right!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #25 - (Created on: September 26th, 2024) My deepest apologies for them long parody delays, but now, here on September 26th, 2024, it's finally been created!!!!!

2022 Parody Character #68 - Foreverr Puppet-Nawa-Tron (Created on: July 10th, 2024) Well folks, yet a brand new FNAF-like parody character has finally been born in our dramatic parody eyes!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #13 - Mlaud-Viarus (Created on: September 23rd, 2024) My goodness, another one!!!! How's Draxx Dustun Studios getting so good at all of this here!?!??!!! This was their #13thParodyMascot as of today been created here!!!!

2022 Parody Character #67 - Foreverr Vigo (Created on: July 7th, 2024) A brand new parody animatronic/character of Jax Justun Studios has finally came to life in an all-new parody design/model!!!!!!

2022 Parody Character #70 - Peramyid ZLreadd (Created on: Aug. 9th, 2024) Here we are folks!!! Yet another day showing off yet another and original parody character from Jax Justun Studios!!!!!

2024 HHS Parody Cameo Characters #48 & #50 - Mostley Ghostley (MG) The Ghost-like Dragon & Rezorfesses Atmosphere Ender Dragon (RAED) The Atmosphere Dragon - Both From The Dragons Mounts Mod from Minecraft YEP!!!! This all speaks for itself here folks!!!!

Afternoon FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) and MSM (My Singing Monsters) fans out there in the wild, it's been a very long time hasn't it!??!?!!!!