9 months ago

Well guys, look at this amazing Banner Poster Shrine of all of the Parody Characters and Parody Cameo Characters that I'd made so far since like the beginning of January/2024!!!!

LOOK AT THIS!!! Look how far I'd come!!! SEVEN Characters in ONE SINGLE MONTH!!! Just look like how many versions Here's like the evolution to all of other versions of this Banner Poster Shrine of all of the Mascots of Jax Justun Studios that I'd made so far here on January in 2024!!!


Banner Poster Shrine Version #1!!! (It Doesn't Have the "Welcome to Jax Justun Studios" Words in it. I know....) The first and EVER version of this picture right here has two of my Parody Characters!!! Parody Characters Numbers ONE and TWO!!! "Mr. Glumpty Plant" and "Larr"!!! Like It'd said before, Larr was the most stressful and the most hardest OC Creation that I'd ever made!! I had to use like FOUR different free designing software places for creating this thing.

As for Mr. Glumpty Plant though, he was of course VERY SIMPLE AND EASY to make!!! I'd literally just used only ONE single free online designing website called "Pixlr" to create this designs. And as for Mr. Glumpty Plant also, his design was ACTUALLY made by ME all the way back in 2022!!! THREE years as of today before I'd redesigned the other OC Creatures that I'd imagined and drew since back in 2018 - 2019!!!


Speaking of which, here's the Banner Poster Shrine Version #2!!! (It now has like the "Welcome" words at the VERY TOP, and now has the 3rd and 4th Parody Characters that I'd redesigned!!!) Both "Jeffrrey" and "Gridget" were the most greatest and the most less stressful OC Creations that I'd made for like a very long time!!! It appears that Jeffrrey here didn't really change all that much. I mean, he does look somewhat different.

This would also include Larr as well. Although that his face and body did changed a little bit, but everything else looks almost similar then his 1st and 2nd designs that I'd made from PAPER!!! However though, that doesn't stand by Gridget here!!! Her 3rd and FINAL design looks more detailed then EVER!!! Wait a minute? Before I say some more things about Gridget's new looks, let me talk about Mr. Glumpty Plant's designs and everything!!


Yeah, that 1st ever OC Parody-like creature has like SO MANY versions of himself!!! Almost like, five or four versions on PAPER, and one that I'd made on Scratch.com!!! And plus this 3rd one that I've been storing inside of this Gaming PC that I have for like FIVE years as of today, makes like a total of like SEVEN or SIX versions of Mr. Glumpty Plant!!!!

Yeah, the version that you all might had seen before since my days at high school, I'd uploaded a post awhile back that has this single version that I'd made for Mr. Glumpty Plant since my Junior Year in high school. That's like all the way back in 2022!!! YEP!! Since like 2022 during my ups and down days during my life at high school, I've been storing this very old/NEW version of Mr. Glumpty Plant. And I think I'd made that design of him only on Pixlr.com!!! YEP!! As of right now like TWO years later, I'd decided to stick with this version of Mr. Glumpty Plant instead!!

Anyways, back to Gridget and her new looks again. So, Gridget's 1st and 2nd designs were just all plain and boring. It's just nothing like a girly-like Piggy Droid Parody Creature. But last week of January of 2024, her remodels inside of her NEWEST design looks way more better, and a lot more prettier then ever before!!! I even added in like a few new details on Gridget as well!! Like little red tattoo hearts, wheels as for her three legs, which now they look like they're from a piece of girl's fancy black pants, better face expressions of a girly pig, and even some ACTUAL hair as well!! Because the 1st and 2nd designs had like none of that on top of Gridget's body!!!

So yeah, that's what happens when you get better at designing things here on the internet!! You get better and more creative then ever before!!!


And now, here's Banner Poster Shrine Version #3!!! (With now Mr. Lazynose or Mr. Lazyhose which was my 5th Parody OC Character that I'd imagined and drew from 2018 - 2019!!!) It's size almost stayed the same, but now there's FIVE Parody Characters that I'd made so far that are the MAIN Mascots of Jax Justun Studios!!!


Sadly, once more, this version here in particular hasn't really all changed that much. And this also includes of the FINAL looks and REDESIGNS for Mr. Lazyhose right here. I mean, he did changed a bit more slightly, kind of like both Jeffrrey and Larr. but his FINAL model has a few things that are similar from his 2nd design on PAPER. Like his green Hose-like Body of a SNAKE, and his BIG Crowny Humanoid-like Ear, and eyes.

But the only different things or changes however from Mr. Lazynose's new designs are his face expressions, his arms and gloved hands, and the part of his tail. Fun Fact about that last different part in particular is that part from Mr. Lazyhose's tail was from the 1st design that I'd made for Larr on PAPER!! So yeah, kind of some little bits of backstories right there!!!

And FINALLY, here's the most recent version that you'd seen up top of this single GameJolt Post right here and underneath these THREE paragraphs inside of this 3RD part of this GameJolt Post!!! It's the Banner Poster Shrine Version #4!!! (Contains my 6th Parody Character named "Tangled" and the First ever Parody Cameo Character that I'd ever imagined and used for my future creations since August 30th, 2018!! This is of course named "Riddley" as for his Nickname, and also known as "Ridley" as for his REAL and ACTUAL name from Nintendo's Metroid Series since 1986!!!)


So first off is of course Ridley or Riddley, the FIRST ever Parody Cameo Character that I'd ever imagined for like a very long time now!!! However though, if you all want to learn more about how I'd used and imagined Ridley/Riddley as for one of my MAIN Mascots of Jax Justun Studios, they'll be a link to where I had spoke about all about him, alongside with Tangled from that separate GameJolt Post down below!!!

Link to the Story and History about Ridley (Riddley) and Tangled: https://gamejolt.com/p/hello-nintendo-fans-and-yes-even-the-fnaf-and-horror-game-fans-a-ky96iyau (Actually, that link only takes you to the GameJolt Post only about Ridley (Riddley) and everything!! My mistake!! Sorry about that mix up right there!!


Speaking of which, here's the new redesign that you had already seen of the 6th Parody Character that I'd made for nearly like TWO days straight!! It's of course the one and the only name as by just "Tangled"!!!! This character was also fun and easy to make!! I had used only both Scratch and Pixlr to create Tangled's new redesigns and everything!! Just like Mr. Lazyhose or Laynose, Gridget, and Jeffrrey!!

Just like Gridget from before, Tangled's newly remaster and revamp of a design looks far more impressive then his original design that I'd made and use to have back then at my high school from 2019!! But as what I was talking about from before, from a different GameJolt post, I'd unfortunately lost that drawing of Tangled's original design that was stored inside of a red folder paper that was living inside of my old high school backpack since like 2019!!!

I have like NO IDEA or even no certain or main CLUES on how I'd even lost that design of Tangled in the first place. But hey, thankfully though, his newly design that I'd made for him on both Scratch and Pxilr was REALLY worth the pile of heavy weights!!! Just like Gridget's design and everything, I made more detailing looks for Tangled's new design!! I'd replace the gun hand and turn it into like another glove hand that's made out of metal, copper and/or STEEL, I'd recolored and change the textures and designs of his shoes, put a few scales on his body, made a tail for him, and also made his body with a purple color instead of a black color!!

I'd even added in a CAPE as well!!!! And of course, I did say that I'll be remastering and revamping all of my OC creations and everything!! So yeah, there you all have it folks!!! The evolution of the Banner Poster Shrine of all of the Parody Mascots that I've been making so far for my future business called Jax Justun Studios!!!


Anyways, sorry if this post was of course REALLY REEEAALLLY long!! Because I've been like saving these kinds of posts here on GameJolt as like drafts and everything. This is because of that Blue Screen of Death thing that I've been RARELY been having on my OMEN Gaming PC/Laptop here!!

But, those things kind of happens sometimes to us. And I didn't mean as in like ALL the time and like everyday or so. So, yeah, the next post that I'll be putting onto GameJolt is going to be interesting!! It'll be posting the photos of the TWO drawings that I'd made for both of the 1st and 2nd Characters that I'd made and imagined in 2019!! You know, the last year of the 2010s DECADE that was just normal and WONDERFUL!!!

Alongside the Parody Characters Numbers 8 and 9, will be also talking the 7th Parody Character as well!! And the Parody Character #7 is named or called as "Mr. Eyesaur"!!!! The long-time Best Friend of LED, also known as Lord Ender Dragon!!! But more on that Minecraft of a Cameo Dragon later!! Anyways, the names of the 8th and 9th Parody Characters that I'll be showing off hopefully after this post from today will be TWO Vacuum-like creatures!!! And their names are "Mr. Vaccum" and "Lord Vaccum"!!! Yes, the word "Vacuum" is spelled with like TWO "Cs" and ONE "U" instead of TWO "Us" and ONE "C"!! Don't try to judge me on that part okay? Thanks!!

Anyways, not only that, I'll be also creating my own Parody Character version for one of the next Parody Cameo Characters that I'd made and imagined since like 2018!! Anyways, have a nice day everybody!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!! #TheBannerPosterShrine #OfAllTheMascotsOf #JaxJustunStudiosIsAlmost #AllCompletedAt100Percent!!! #StayTunedFor #FutureUpdates!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!



Next up

2024 DDS Parody Character #14 - Sir Nudbbal (Created on: September 23rd, 2024) WOW!!! Draxx Dustun Studios has done it again here!!!! And it's not even the end of #SeptemberOf2024 just yet right there!!!!! That rhyme sucks, I know folks!!!!

Jax Justun Studios Fan-Made Parody Header #9 - (Created on September 26th, 2024) After weeks of recovery, Jax Justun Studios had finally created us something from themselves alone!!! That didn't really came out right!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #15 - Nappy Snappy (Created on: September 22nd, 2024) Well guys, today's September 22nd, 2024, and Draxx Dustun Studios has done it yet again!!!! And why do all of these look so easy to design here!?!?!?!!!

2024 HHS Parody Cameo Characters #48 & #50 - Mostley Ghostley (MG) The Ghost-like Dragon & Rezorfesses Atmosphere Ender Dragon (RAED) The Atmosphere Dragon - Both From The Dragons Mounts Mod from Minecraft YEP!!!! This all speaks for itself here folks!!!!

Jax Justun Studios End Credits Song/Video - (Created on: Sept. 22nd, 2024) Hello everybody!!!! How's it going so far here!!! Today's now September 23rd, 2024, and today I got something very interesting here!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #13 - Mlaud-Viarus (Created on: September 23rd, 2024) My goodness, another one!!!! How's Draxx Dustun Studios getting so good at all of this here!?!??!!! This was their #13thParodyMascot as of today been created here!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #38 (For Due-Eye-Say “The Doose-Eye Box” or "DooseEye BirdMcCaw") - Created on: Sept. 24th, 2024 Oh boy!!! It's the morning folks!!! And it's now September 24th, 2024!!!! And of course, we have something fun here!!! WAIT!?!?! Is.....

Haxx Hustun Studios Banner Poster Shrine #VersionEight - (Created on: Sept. 14th, 2024 - Sept. 22nd, 2024) After just nine days in making here in #SeptOf2024, it's finally been created!!! Kind of a bad time though, but still, it was worth it at the end!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #25 - (Created on: September 26th, 2024) My deepest apologies for them long parody delays, but now, here on September 26th, 2024, it's finally been created!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Character #12 - Ms. "Missey" Nudbbal (Created on: September 21st, 2024) OMG!!!!! She's been created already!!??!?!?!?!? GAWD, that was REALLY quick here!!!! This is "Ms. (Missey) Nudbbal"!!!!!