Levity Fleet Classic
2 years ago

Well it's happened, and one day before the day I promised too. Levity Fleet 3 is finally live and I hope it'll still be a great game.



Next up

It's the Proloids and Bordones from the 8 bit games, but converted into 16 bit. If that wasn't good enough, I chose to improve their designs to allow for the ability to transform, which will add to the gameplay itself. Until next time, have a good day!

Here's an example of what the intro stage boss for Quirk'etal will be like, I know it's very basic, but it's a decent WIP for what'll appear ingame.

Here's an upcoming upgrade for the six Buildoids. That's right, they'll be able to slide and fit in tight passages just like their Frutoids counterparts. I'm hoping to implement that in Levity Fleet 3.

Meet the other six Bordones, they're a bit stronger than the previous six, but still have some weaknesses. They have abilities such as a spear, fire, sludge, a charge kick, gravity shifting, etc.

This might not be much of a step up from the earlier sprites, but this is Gallant given some 16 bit colors and shading along with more animation frames. I'm hoping that'll help make Levity Fleet 5 be slightly better, look forward to it.

These are all of Wire Doll's special weapons. She will obtain them from eight bosses and/or the shop. The special weapon can be used alongside the default weapon, just on an additional button.

These are prototype sketches of how the Proloid Scalpel looked during 2017. I could've worked on and finished Levity Fleet 1 during 2018, yet I felt conflicted feelings and was unsure of my future. Now there's four games for Levity Fleet, so much better!

Here's the new weapons for Levity Fleet 3, took a lot of imagination and planning to get them done. They'll be very strong and useful just like the others before.

After some failures with game design, I've returned back to the drawing board yet again. Speaking of drawing board, I created some new ninja heroes for my upcoming redo of Erratic Fable, and these happen to be the heroes and villains of said game.

Well I came to terms with it, I'm gonna make Levity Fleet 5 into a 16 bit game and with these kinds of sprites. I hope the game will be a much needed revival for the games as a whole, look forward to it.