1 month ago

Well, Kaaatie did not specify exactly where this school is located.../Что ж, Kaaatie не уточняла, где именно находиться это школа...

So here's the answer.../Итак, вот вам ответ...


Who the hell knows where she is!/Да хрен его знает, где она находиться!

Here's the map! Figure it out for yourself!/Вот карта! Разбирайтесь сами!



Next up

A little more.../Ещё немного...

Errors in animation "Basics in Behavior" from Kaaatie (@Kaaatie ) (№10)

Errors in animation "Basics in Behavior" from Kaaatie (@Kaaatie ) (№17)

What the fuck

Errors in animation "Basics in Behavior" from Kaaatie (@Kaaatie ) (№14)

Let's switch jobs between our old days Miss Circle and [definitely] mentally stable new one!

Errors in animation "Basics in Behavior" from Kaaatie (@Kaaatie ) (№12)

Errors in animation "Basics in Behavior" from Kaaatie (@Kaaatie ) (№13)

"Circus" AU

(The created of AU: Ash_Espoir)

Errors in animation "Basics in Behavior [RED]" from Xenko (@The_gat_game ) (№3)