2 years ago

Well, long time no see ... I want to tell you something...

There are lots of thing I need to do about my school, so I don't have any time for working my games or something else. Don't worry about your games. I will take a record of your games as soon as possible. However, I need to do lots of thing about my school like homework,... Thank you to all of you.



Next up

duongminh2010 that is me, I won :))

WOW. The V4 so nice!

Microsoft 365 leaks...

Cold so cold

Something went wrong :))

Dont trust in a faker

Right? :)

Survive so easy. Need harder :). You can watch on youtube by this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d61CObnmLFY

OMG I cant believe that.

WIP lol

Updating minigames, leaks, easter egg,...