2 days ago

Well these are ALL the variants of my oc

As a bonus, in the article below are the names, plus a funny phrase of each one.(they are in the order in which they appear)

And as a bonus in this post you can suggest variants in the comments.

Toy Mario 123: the og guy

B-Sides Toy Mario 123: just a recolor

D-Sides Toy Mario 123: looks like a tumbler sexy man

Corrupted Toy Mario 123: when is the mod comes out

William Afton Cosplay Toy Mario 123: PURPLE GUY?????

Boyfriend Cosplay Toy Mario 123: BEEP

Terry Bogard Cosplay Toy Mario 123: jab jab POWER DUNK

Red Cosplay Toy Mario 123: I don't know anything about Pokémon

Chilean Toy Mario 123: viva Chile WEOOOOON

Christmas Toy Mario 123: crimaaaaaa

Twiddletocks: insert a scene of fnf lyrics


Toi Maio un do tre: yeeah

B-Sides Toi Maio un do tre: more recolors weeee

D-Sides Toi Maio un do tre: tumbler sexy man pocket edition

Disney Live Action Toi Maio un do tre: AAAH IT’S A NEG-

Steam Boat Toi Maio un do tre: public domain boiii

Pomni Cosplay Toi Maio un do tre: I’m turning into palm knee

Noise Cosplay Toi Maio un do tre: W O A H

Christmas Toi Maio un do tre: It was the night before Christmas


Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: the waifu

B-Sides Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: recolors, recolors everywhere

D-Sides Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: the lesbian power

Corrupted Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: OGABOGAAAAAAA

Chilean Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: tikitikiti tikitakata

Azumanga Cosplay Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: oh my gah she looks like a osaker

Hatsune Miku Cosplay Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: miku miku OEU

Girlfriend Cosplay Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: <- -> <- ->

Mai Shiranui Cosplay Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: smash bros it’s a game for good boys and girls

Leaf Cosplay Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: I still don't know anything about Pokemon

Brazilian Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: ela virou brasileira do nada

Christmas Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: its TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Beach Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: I swear it's not rule

Gothic Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: you need 10 facebook friends to unlock

Bunny Girl Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: The only outfit that can be worn in a GTA shoe store

DX: come now, take a step

Tumblr Mode Toy Mario 123 v1: oh

Tumblr Mode Toy Mario 123 v2: OH GOD NO

Furry Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: oh no …. FURRYS


Fumo Plush Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: ᗜˬᗜ

B-Sides Fumo Plush Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: you now the joke at this point

D-Sides Fumo Plush Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: How in the f is a plush lesbian

Christmas Fumo Plush Discord Mode Toy Mario 123: B O X

1 comment


Next up

and finally, as the last render (for now) I turned her into a furry

Well, this thing,

this was supposed to be used in my AYS of all stars, which I was going to publish on scratch, but I cancelled it

These are all the cosplays that my ocs have used

Modern noah aka my modern form

public domain booooooooi

Tav,but humanized

Christmas outfits, I already shared these in December, but I reposted them

Well, I started making FNaS renders in my own style.

The designs are finished!

Ok, this needs context (read the article)

These designs are just jokes, don't take them seriously.