Some Nights At Sonic's Fright's (HIATUS)
10 months ago

Well this was unexpected.

We reached 100 followers!

But I have 2 news for all of you 100 people watching this game page.

First unfortunately I am away for a bit on a little trip so i can't work on the game now.

Second sorry for lack of updates but as you know the art for the demo is ready. And the coding is going slowly but good.

So for this special occasion I'll give you some gameplay images of the game. So be ready for another post showing some stuff in the future.



Next up

I'm bored.

so for now you can ask me questions about Fnas dm.


fnas tierlist out of boredom

Happy 8th anniversary fnas!

just a little clarification about the fright timeline.

fnas 5,1,2 and 3 are canon but 4 is not canon

(since in this timeline the year when fright takes place is the same year that fnas 4 takes place).

well even if the demo for this game is being coded very slowly i still think you deserve a little update.

two characters on three have all their sprites done. (if i didn't miss anyone but i don't think so.)

here your little update bye.

while you wait for this game to release i would suggest you to follow this fnas 5 remake

made by my friend @PIRACY_SCREEN500

we reached 45 followers here a new teasers

my personal fnaf games tierlist

(in terms of gameplay).

look at him.