Kingdom Hearts : Air of Errors
4 years ago

well. welly well well. ok, so your probably wondering "gawrsh how come nothing's been posted since 4567891011 years ago." Well its because... i kinda lost motivation... yeaaah, BUT, i might find motivation in the future.

tel me if u want 2 work on it 4 me because im lazy. here r things ur gonna hav 2 do (engin is scratch)

1.) make da map scrol

2.) fix diagnol walking

3.) nothin else yet



Next up

Etkk ne aknnc.

anybody notice anything weird about these pictures?

stop it. get some help.

I started building destiny islands a couple days ago

give me mod or you get the cod

this is why shipping shouldn't be allowed

could anyone make a undertale battle sprite for pence from KH? A picture of pence is above.


ok, i found out that NEVER has minecraft bean searched more than e. I have proof. Look at the picture